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A Glimpse Into Its Past And Present

WEB Nesmith: A Historical South Carolina Community

A Glimpse into Its Past and Present

The Early Years

Nestled in Williamsburg County, South Carolina, WEB Nesmith emerged as an unincorporated community. Its history dates back to its establishment as a station on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad during the early 20th century.

278 Truck Stop and Café: A Local Landmark

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, WEB Nesmith became renowned for its 278 Truck Stop and Café, operated by Benny Green and Mancil Laseter. This roadside diner served as a popular gathering place for travelers and locals alike.

Family Legacy and Ancestry

The Nesmith family has played a pivotal role in the community's history. In 1924, the family purchased land in WEB Nesmith, where sharecroppers lived and worked. Over time, the family home became a cherished landmark.

Genealogical research reveals the rich ancestry of the Nesmith family, tracing their lineage back to both African-American and Scots-Irish roots. This diverse heritage has shaped the cultural fabric of WEB Nesmith.
