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Cyprus History


Cyprus: A Crossroads of Civilizations

Geography and Influence

Cyprus's unique geographic location in the eastern Mediterranean Sea has made it a crossroads of civilizations throughout history. The island's mineral wealth, fertile soil, and strategic position have attracted different cultures over the millennia, leaving an enduring mark on its landscape and culture.

Mycenaean Greeks and Phoenicians

In the 2nd millennium BC, Mycenaean Greeks settled in Cyprus, establishing trading posts and introducing their language and customs. Later, the Phoenicians arrived from the Levant, establishing their own cities and contributing to the island's commercial and cultural growth.

Roman and Byzantine Rule

Cyprus came under Roman rule in 58 BC and became a province of the Byzantine Empire in the 4th century AD. During this period, Christianity spread throughout the island, and many magnificent churches and monasteries were built.

British Colonialism and Independence

Cyprus was occupied by the British in 1878 and became a British Crown Colony in 1925. In 1960, Cyprus gained independence after a protracted struggle for self-determination. The British government agreed to provide financial and military support for the newly independent nation.


Cyprus's diverse history has shaped its unique identity, blending elements from ancient civilizations, Eastern Mediterranean influences, and Western European culture. Its geographic position has made it a meeting point for different peoples and ideas, creating a rich and vibrant tapestry that continues to fascinate visitors today.

